Generative AI
Simulated Realities
User Experience
Visual Effects

Digital Artist
Mixed Reality
3D Interactive
Mixed Reality
3D Interactive
Mixed Reality
3D Interactive
Mixed Reality
3D Interactive
Mixed Reality
3D Interactive
Mixed Reality
3D Interactive

Visionary Production Work

eclectic skills talents and Experience

Generative AI Animation

Product that I produced for the NBA Tech Summit

Creature and VFX Reel

Select shots from Film and Television projects

3D Environment Capture and Reconstrucion

The Machine Vision Platform I Designed and built for Real Time rendering of captured environments

Automotive Reel

Real Time and Offline rendering commercial, Auto show, and interactive installations

virtual reality Augmented Reality

Work that I supervised and executed while Head of Production for Tiltshift

Retail 3D Transformation

Highlighting the GUI and UX of the 3D Data Pipeline and Platform I created for the largest retailer in the world

trusted clients and partners